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基督教社会联盟DH的讲师主导的医疗保险账单计划, 在线直播, is designed to give the students an in-depth understanding of complex issues involved in the medical insurance billing industry.


Medical insurance billing is a stable and lucrative field within the medical industry. The business office of every healthcare provider must provide proper documentation to a number of insurance companies for reimbursement for services. Opportunities for employment of insurance billers include physicians' offices, 诊所, 医院, 医疗用品公司. The demand is driven by the growing need for healthcare services of an aging population as well as the need for individuals able to handle the complexities of paper and electronic information.


Students will gain practical knowledge to enhance their understanding of medical insurance billing practices as well as learn skills required to operate efficiently in today's medical offices, 医院和诊所.


This program is designed to provide students with comprehensive training in medical insurance billing. Each course will provide building blocks for those seeking a career in a physician's office, hospital or clinic as well as for those who are seeking to augment and improve their skills.


这个项目没有特别的资格要求. 为了提高学习经验,建议设置前提条件.


A Certificate of Completion is awarded upon successful completion of all courses. Those who do not wish to pursue a certificate may take individual courses.


课程通过Zoom在线直播. Medical Insurance Billing classes are convenient for people living and working in or near Los Angeles, 托兰斯, 长滩, 卡森, 康普顿, 埃尔塞贡多, Lomita, 港口城市, 帕洛斯弗迪斯, 曼哈顿海滩, 赫莫萨海滩, 雷东多海滩, 圣佩德罗, Lawndale, 霍桑, 加迪纳, 威彻斯特, Ladera山庄, 莱克伍德, 派拉蒙, 风铃草, 唐尼, Inglewood, 威明顿, 以及南湾和南加州的其他地区.





薇姬·摩根,MIB学院维多利亚·摩根FHFMA, MS has been the Director of Revenue Cycle at Tahoe Forest Health System since 2018, at which she is responsible for all parts of the Revenue Cycle for including but not limited to 2 医院, 癌症中心, 1个外科中心和4个农村保健中心. In all, she manages the billing and collection functions of over 150 providers. She is also the Principal for Morgan and Associates Health Care Consulting Firm. Ms. 摩根拥有近30年的医疗保健融资经验.

  与女士联系. 摩根:

peggy Ann Amstutz的照片peggy Ann Amstutz, MBA, CCS, CCS-P, CPC-I, is a career Health 信息 Management (HIM) professional. 她在比奥拉大学完成了本科学业, 拉米拉达, CA, where she received her Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership. She completed her Master studies at Chapman University and received her Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership. Temera also has an Associate’s Degree in Health 信息 Management from East Los Angeles College, and holds the credentials of 注册ed Health 信息 Administrator (RHIA), 注册ed Health 信息 Technician (RHIT) and she is a Certified Professional Coder (CPC). With over 20 years of experience Healthcare, Coding and HIM, Temera is currently the 加州大学戴维斯分校的二级编程经理s.

  与女士联系. Amstutz:



What's the difference between medical billing and medical coding?

医疗编码 收集每一种治疗方法的信息的过程, diagnosis or service a patient receives and assigning an alphanumeric code to each item. 

医疗帐单 is the process of generating claims and preparing bills for health care resource utilization. 根据医疗编码员的规格, medical billers request payment from health insurance companies for the medical services that health care providers and institutions offer to patients. 医疗账单是编码之后的下一步.


This entry-level program is designed for students with no prior medical experience. 

What kind of experience do I need before I can begin medical insurance billing training?

虽然不需要事先的医疗培训, we recommend that students have basic office computing and data entry fundamentals; experience with Excel or other spreadsheet software is helpful.

Is there a required certification that I must complete after doing this program?

The State of California does not require any type of billing certification in order to be hired as a medical biller.


Cal State LA Coding Certification Program - this Coding program is offered by our sister campus:


从2023年秋季开始: The program is offered once a year on a cycle from September through May. 


The program takes an average of 9-18 months for most working adult students.



This program is approved for funding through the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act. 访问我们的 WIOA协助步骤美国就业中心网站 了解更多信息.


A Certificate of Completion is awarded upon successful completion of the required courses.

注意:一旦你完成了所有的必修课程, 您可以通过我们的在线申请申请证书. The processing time is approximately 6-8 weeks from the time of submission, and includes both a digital certificate link and a printed physical certificate.


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 信息 & 登记

当您准备好注册时,选择“ Add" button to the left of your desired course(s), 和n select the " “购物车”开始Checkout过程.

If you have previously taken a class at 基督教社会联盟DH, you can fast-track your registration by logging in.

If the course you want to register for has a prerequisite, after selecting "Checkout & 支付”, 您必须使用您的基督教社会联盟DH校园凭据登录 so that the system can verify that you have completed the required prerequisite course.

The deadline to enroll for courses for most certificate programs is FOUR (4) BUSINESS DAYS or earlier before the class begins; course schedules are updated daily.
